Laguna Poultry

Houses retrofit & Technical consulting in poultry facilities

what do we do?

With international experience in China, India, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia. We retrofit houses to a controlled enviroment, we also do technical consulting in the design of poultry houses, environmental control, minimum and tunnel ventilation, as well as training in ventilation concepts, in the operation and maintenance of equipment.

services we offer


Equipment sizing according to your needs and house dimentions, with the brand of equipment you want to work with.


Advice and / or design of poultry farms with traditional and / or environmental controlled house.

Audit and/or retrofit

Audit of traditional houses for retrofitting to envorimental controlled house and / or upgrade of poultry equipment.


Training in the minimum, transition, tunnel ventilation concepts, as well as in the operation and maintenance of poultry equipment.

Project review

We help you to review your project, verifying if is the equipment you need, with the best option of the bidding brands.


We help you to size the number of birds and houses that you will need from the rearing through the laying and reaching the broilers of your kilos projection.


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Laguna Poultry