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What house size is the best for a good ventilation?
It's mainly limited by the width, a narrow house improves the ventilation uniformity, the lenght is related with the air exchange time, a shorter house will have a faster air exchange. But this is based on needs and density of your birds.
What is the best exhaust fan to use?
Ideally, the one with the highest volume of air per hour per watt consumed (m3 / hr) / w, but there are other factors to consider, such as the speed you want to achieve, if you have light traps, the size of the fan, these values will affect the efficiency. But it depends of what your house need.
Equipment with single-phase or three-phase motors?
Both motors are good and they do the same, but there are advantages and disadvantages so the best option is always to choose for the three-phase.
How does affect a wrong electrical installation?
In the electrical consumption, you will be wasting energy for no reason.
You will damage the operation and the performance of your equipment, so you will increase the stop time and the repairs of your equipment.
The houses are areas of dust, humidity, ammonia and many times built with flammable materials, a wiring in poor condition will not be the best combination.
Is there any standard house with ventilation that I can build?
Not as such, since it depends on many factors, on the geographical location where you want to install it, the bird breed, bird densities to be placed, the brand of equipment selected, etc. Some house will probably have more features than you need and others less.
Which electronic controller is good for ventilation?
Everyone. The main thing is to know the concepts of ventilation and how they work in order to program it in each controller, otherwise it would be just a very expensive electronic thermostat with very poor performance. In the market there is no standard about to programming, each brand manages the operation tables differently and as extra features they help you to control additional equipment (lights, feeder, etc.). Everything will depend on your level of knowledge and the level of how technical you want your house.